
You're So full of...

Monday, November 30, 2015

Sugar- straight from the cane to be exact. 
Heart -not the ones you draw on the paper in grade school but the juicy, beating, thumping, and pumping one.
Ism's...not all, but most.
Twists, plot twists ... and this is in the sweetest way possible.

I'm Reece. A 26-year-old city girl turned country (Cleveland, OH to Houston, Tx), mama of 2 mini puffs, pumped with melanin, hair at it's kinkiest, and a smile that stretches from here to France lol.
That corky little acronym up there, yeah that's only a VERY SMALL piece of what describes me. I'm all over the place, but then again, aren't we all sometimes? I've had this blog page for quite some time now and I've been deleting and re-deleting. It wasn't how I wanted it to be. It still needs a little bit of tweaking and reconstructing but it'll get there.

I decided to revamp it-my way, my terms, my voice. I've had writer's block on and off, self fear was turned all the way up, kept talking myself out of redoing it. Not to mention other people's opinions were cloudy with a chance of hater... But it's finally here. Alive & (almost) kicking.

Now, Imma warn you- this blog will consist of language. ALL types of language. Lol. If I feel it, I will write it exactly how I normally speak. I can't give you anything that isn't a reflection of my personality- slang, country grammar and all.

This is only the beginning! I hope you enjoy this wave called SUPANAPTURALREE (follow me on everything-same name...shameless plug hehe) cuz it's about to be one funky, teary eyed, heart felt, goofy, soulful ride!!!

Get ready
and remember

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