
Women Making History Series: Sonja (My Mama)

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The month of March means a couple different things to me. It's a month of manifestation, a month of miracles, but one of the most important things: celebrating womanhood. Not that I don't do that every day already, I guess because it's "nationally" recognized. Anywho, in honor of this year's Women's History Month (& beyond), I decided to do an honors series on some of the amazing & dope women that I know personally or have had the chance to meet on more than one occasion. These women have made huge marks on my journey in life and I am beyond grateful that I get the chance to say I know them. So without further ado, I present to you, my Mama.

Everybody say heeeey to Sonja!!

My Muva, the woman that carried and birthed me, and who is literally the strongest woman I know.

 At 53 years young, she's in her second battle with cancer. Stomach cancer to be exact. From the pic above you couldn't even tell. She's kicking cancer's ass with grace, style, and a whole lotta fierce with a dash of peace. When I asked her what made her most proud to be a woman, her answer was simple: 

"Love and the experience of having a child." 

My mother also thoroughly enjoys being a Grandma (and loves the name even more). When I say she ADORES her grandkids, that's an understatement. If you have ever met her or ever had the chance to speak to her once, I can guarantee she will bring my babies up. One of the things I love the most about my mother is her versatility. She's one (of 3) of the reasons why I listen to half of the genres of music that I do, have tried some of the food that I now love, and half the reason why I can go from extra calm to a firecracker in .003 seconds lol. 

My mother is a survivor, my mother is truly a conqueror, my mother is love, my mother is....a woman! Today I honor you. 💜


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