
White Poppies & Warwick Avenue

Saturday, May 21, 2016

It's like I'm caught in freshly laid cement, slowly turning into concrete, engulfing me, not allowing me to get back ... Back to fresh air, to growing, patching up the petals, healing my roots. How silly of me to think I was the only flower in your garden...or at least the most tended to, the most nourished, the one you shed your light to, ultimately. Over time I grew dehydrated, gasping for a drop of something, anything to quench my longing thirst, something to fulfill me. The sun...or maybe the storm...yes the storm cast over on me. Out from the clouds poured down the serum that I was searching for-something deeper than water. This serum, extinguished every memory, not just of you... Her too. Every elation, every delight, every bliss. Every laugh. 

Now what do I do with this? This serum has overtaken my natural yearning for Adam's ale. This is all that has been comforting my foundation. I needed to medicate, meditate... Rejuvenate. The only way I can bloom again. Spring, blossom...plant new seeds around me. Drink from new streams, I have to let these summer rains in to fructify my crop. 

I said all this to say... I forgive you... Both. I needed this to happen. I became swallowed and distracted by others' woes and life battles that I could not see my own. I thank you...both. For bringing LIFE to my forefront. This was a very difficult assessment for me, one that I did not think I would pass at all. Rage, fire, blackouts, blank outs and all. I want more for myself. This helped me get out of my writer's rut. This helped me to begin again. So once more...thank you. To be continued... 

Supanaptural Ree is back!!!

John 4:13-14 Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” 

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